The Difference Between 14K, 18K And 24K Gold Jade Necklace


14k 18k 24k gold jade necklace


When buying a gold jade necklace, it is inevitable to come into contact with various gold terms, such as 24K gold, 18K gold, and 14K gold. If you don't know anything about precious metal jewelry, you may be confused about the difference between them and which category you are suitable for.

What are 14K, 18K And 24k?

The emergence of 14K gold is related to the characteristics of gold itself. It was explored in practice to meet the needs of durability and diversity of jewelry. One of the characteristics of gold is that it is relatively soft, so it is difficult to inlay into more exquisite jewelry styles, especially when inlaid with precious gems such as pearls, gems and emeralds, it is easy to lose. The ancients discovered that adding a small amount of silver, copper, zinc and other metals to pure gold can increase the hardness and toughness of gold, and then make all kinds of gold ornaments. 

The texture of 24K gold is soft and cannot be inlaid. Generally, 14K and 18K gold are generally used when the hardness is required for jewelry. The texture is harder, the toughness is high, and the elasticity is strong. It can be inlaid with various gems and the price is moderate. Therefore, it is increasingly popular with people. The precious metal, which is the most popular choice in the jewelry market, has gradually become a fashion consumer trend. Generally speaking, 14k or 18k gold can be said to be relatively good and cheap, but the investment and value preservation are not as good as 24K.


14k 18k 24k gold jade necklace


The Difference Between 14K, 18K, 24K Gold

First of all, let's see the difference between 18K gold and 24K gold. After all, these two kinds are the most widely used in jewelry, and many people will confuse these two kinds of K gold. In fact, it is not difficult to understand 18K gold and 24K gold. 24K gold refers to gold with a purity of 99%, while 18K gold refers to 75% gold plus 25% silver and copper. The ratio of silver to copper varies. Will produce yellow, white or red. Since 24K gold is relatively soft, it will be difficult to make jewelry. On the contrary, because of its high hardness, 18K gold can be used in a wide range of applications.

Next, let’s look at 14K gold. In fact, the principle is the same as the above-mentioned 18K gold, that is, the proportion of gold content is reduced to 58.5%. Because the gold content is low, the hardness is also high. When creating complex jewelry, 14K gold will be more appropriate because it is more stable.

In addition to the above three kinds of K gold, there is also 3D Thousand Pure Gold. In fact, it is Thousand Pure Gold like 24K gold, but the hardness of 3D Hard Gold is 4 times that of ordinary Thousand Pure Gold, but the purity is still pure pure gold. The 3D hard gold made by a special process needs to destroy the ionic structure of the gold during the production process, so that its hardness becomes higher. The 3D Thousand Foot Hard Gold is also lighter in weight and can be used to create more styles. However, it is expensive and has no value-preserving function, so it can only be worn as an accessory.