5 Ways To Tell If Jade Is Real


Real jade necklace


How to distinguish the authenticity of jade mainly depends on the texture, color, transparency, acquired processing, and cracks. The pros and cons of jade and the methods of authenticity and false identification mainly include water identification method, hand touch method, inspection method, tongue licking method, and magnifying glass viewing. The reliable ways to distinguish between gems and artificial jade on the market are: look, listen, and test.

1. Look at the texture

Jade is a polycrystalline mineral formed by silicate under high temperature and high pressure. The size of its constituent crystals will directly affect the smoothness, transparency and color tone after polishing. Therefore, the finer the polycrystalline structure, the better the texture of jade.

2. Look at the color

Color is the most important factor in evaluating the quality of jade. The jade whose color is even, positive, thick and positive is the top grade. "Uniform" refers to uniformity; "Yang" refers to bright colors, giving people a sense of cheerfulness and no slumping; "Dense" refers to darker colors; "Positive" refers to no other variegated colors mixed together.

3. Look at the acquired processing

When the jade is mined, it is just like the ore. The colored parts of the stone must be carefully cut into different shapes by experienced professional craftsmen, then processed, polished and carved, and then polished and waxed. Sold on the market. In the process, those without any bleaching, fading or dyeing treatment are classified as "A" grade, which has the highest value; those that are bleached and faded are classified as "B", and the value is the second; the dyed "C" grade is of lower value. Excellent acquired processing can make jade icing on the cake and double its value.

4. Look at the cracks

The cracks on the jade may be caused during mining or processing. After a crack, no matter how good its color, texture and transparency are, it will affect its value. Sometimes the cracks are not obvious on the surface, but they can be seen by careful observation in the sun. Especially for jade that has been bleached, faded or dyed, cracks are common.

 Real jade necklace

5. Look at transparency

Transparency is a physical phenomenon that complements texture. The finer the texture, the higher the transparency. If the degree of transparency of jade is like glass, the fineness of its crystals can make the light transparent without being blocked. While distinguishing the quality of jade, it is also necessary to prevent artificial jade from being fake. Artificial jade is made by dyeing glass, plastic and other materials. Most of the glass imitation jade contains bubbles, the color is bright, the green has a strong light, and the color is different from the real jade. Plastic imitation jade is lighter than real jade, has extremely poor transparency and dull tone, which is far from real jade.