The eight grades of Hetian jade


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Generally speaking, Hetian jade white jade can be divided into four grades: mutton white jade, first-grade white jade, second-grade white jade, and third-grade white jade. They are roughly the same in composition, only because of the difference in trace elements, shapes, cracks, and impurities. The difference in color, luster, and texture. Today, the editor will give you a detailed explanation: Hetian Yu’s eight levels are explained in detail!

1. White jade

Although all Hetian white jade belongs to the category of white jade, due to the different content of trace elements, abnormal structure and structure, locks, cracks, and impurities, different colors, textures, and glosses will appear. Theoretically speaking: the whiter the white jade is, the better, but if it is too white, it will become "dead white". White jade is not a good white jade. White jade must be moisturized, and warm and fat white is the first-class white jade. Such as: super white jade-sheep fat jade, first-grade white jade.

2. Blue and white jade

Cyan white jade is a transitional variety between white jade and sapphire. Its upper limit is close to that of white jade, and the lower limit is similar to sapphire. It is the most abundant variety in Hetian jade. Such as: first-level blue-white jade, second-level blue-white jade, third-level blue-white jade.

3. Sapphire

The color ranges from light green to dark green. There are many types of colors, including shrimp green, bamboo leaf green, willow green, green, gray green, green yellow, etc. Generally, green and bamboo leaf green are the most common ones. Sapphire is the most common among Hetian jade. Kind. Such as: first grade sapphire, second grade sapphire, and third grade sapphire.

4. Jasper

Jasper, also known as green jade, has dark green, light green, parrot green, pine flower green, ginkgo green, light green and so on. The spinach with green color is the top grade and the green with gray color is the lower crystal. Such as: first-level jasper, second-level jasper, and third-level jasper.

5. Black jade

The ink jade goes from full ink to ink gathering and then to ink spotting. Those who "black as pure lacquer" are top grade, and those who spot ink and gather ink are very valuable. Such as: first-class full black jade, second-class black jade (jumo), third-class black jade.

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6. Topaz

Topaz has chestnut yellow, okra yellow, egg yolk, beeswax yellow, osmanthus yellow, chicken oil yellow, tiger skin yellow and other colors. From light yellow to dark yellow, the color "yellow like steamed pear" is the best. Such as: first-level topaz, second-level topaz, and third-level topaz.

7. sugar jade

There is often a "sugar color" (color like brown sugar) in Hetian jade. Sugar jade mostly belongs to subordinate status, so it is not divided into jade species separately. Because sugar color is mostly beautiful in jade carvings, it is very useful, so it is very popular. If "sugar color" occupies more than 30% of the jade, you can participate in the naming, such as: "sugar white jade", "sugar green white jade" and so on. If it is all "sugar color", it can be named "hetian sugar jade".

8. Red jade

This is a species that is basically extinct. Because it is extremely rare, it is not in the current classification. In ancient times, the classification mentioned red jade, white as fat-cut, yellow as steamed chestnut, black as lacquer, and red as cockscomb. Refers to the top grade in jade. There is an old jargon in Wanyu, "one red, two yellow, three ink, four sheep fat". Red jade is a gem of Hetian jade, but like the dragon stone species in jade, it basically only exists in legends.